Felix Dinner

The Spin Dynamics Group


Professor Geoffrey S. D. Beach

Before coming to MIT, Professor Geoffrey Beach worked in UCSD’s Center for Magnetic Recording Research and later went on to the University of Texas at Austin as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Physics and the Texas Materials Institute. His group focuses on spin dynamics and “spin-electronics” in nanoscale magnetic materials and devices.

Email: gbeach “at” mit.edu

Michael Kitcher

Bio soon to come!

Email: mkitcher “at” mit.edu


Muhammad Usama Hasan

Usama received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 2015 and 2018 respectively. He started his PhD program at MIT in the Fall of 2018 and joined the Beach group in April 2019. He has previously worked on multiferroic materials and is currently interested in investigating voltage gated devices utilizing ion movement as well as nanoscale energy storage.

Email: usama “at” mit.edu


Elizaveta Tremsina

Liza is a student in EECS, she joined the Beach group in the Fall of 2019. She received her B.A. in Physics, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from UC Berkeley in 2019. She is currently interested in combining simulation and measurement to study spin transport phenomena.

Email: etrem “at” mit.edu


Allison Kaczmarek

Allison joined the group in Fall 2020 after receiving her B.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering & Chemistry at Clemson University, SC. Her interest is in understanding magnetism in garnet thin films, and she is currently coadvised under Professor Beach and Professor Caroline Ross.

Email: kacz “at” mit.edu


Cassie (Yixuan) Song

Cassie (Yixuan) received her MEng in Materials Science from the University of Oxford in 2021. She joined the Beach group in the Spring of 2022. She is coadvised by Professor Beach and Professor Caroline Ross. She is currently working on spintronic THz signal generation in garnet systems.

Email: yixuans “at” mit.edu


Maxwell Mlewa

Maxwell is a candidate for BSc. In EECS at MIT class of 2026. He joined the Beach Group in the Fall of 2022, and he is currently interested in investigating magneto-optic effects and their applications in studying the magnetic properties of materials.

Email: maxmlewa “at” mit.edu

Alex Kossak | akossak “at” mit.edu
Siying Huang | shuang96 “at” mit.edu
Byunghun Lee | byunghun “at” mit.edu
Maarten A. Brems | mabrems “at” mit.edu
Sara Sheffels | ssheff “at” mit.edu
Daniel Suzuki | dhsuzuki “at” mit.edu
Alexandra Churikova | sashac “at” mit.edu
Mantao Huang | mantao “at” mit.edu
Angela Wittmann | angelawi “at” mit.edu
Kai Litzius | litzius “at” mit.edu
Norman Birge | birge “at” pa.msu.edu
Pooja Reddy | pdreddy “at” mit.edu
Felix Büttner | fbuettne “at” mit.edu
Jonas Zehner | j.zehner “at” ifw-dresden.de
Maarten Peters | maartenp “at” mit.edu
Lucas Caretta | caretta “at” berkeley.edu
Jason Bartell | jbartell “at” mit.edu
Ivan Lemesh | lemesh “at” mit.edu
Aik Jun Tan | atan10 “at” mit.edu
Can Onur Avci | canonuravci “at” gmail.com
Max Mann | m4xmann “at” gmail.com
Sarah Schlotter | schlotts “at” mit.edu
Kohei Ueda | kubond “at” mit.edu
Parnika Agrawal | parnika “at” mit.edu
Min ae Ouk | minaeouk “at” mit.edu
Chi-Feng Pai | cfpai “at” ntu.edu.tw
Seonghoon Woo | shwoo “at” mit.edu
Uwe Bauer | ubauer “at” mit.edu
Elizabeth Rapoport | elizrap “at” mit.edu
Satoru Emori | satorue “at” mit.edu
Sung-Min Ahn | smahn “at” mit.edu
Nicholas Whiteway | whiteway “at” mit.edu
Elie Nadal | enadal “at” mit.edu
CK Umachi | cku313 “at” mit.edu
Tristan Delaney | tristand “at” mit.edu
Dan Montana | dmontana “at” mit.edu
Jonathan Fischer | joni “at” mit.edu
Helia Jalili | helia “at” mit.edu
Stephen Salinas | ssalinas “at” mit.edu
Greg Steinbrecher | gstein “at” mit.edu